รูปแบบในการบริหารจัดการกลุ่มวิสาหกิจชุมชน กรณีศึกษา : กลุ่มวิสาหกิจชุมชนไหมฝายงัวบาพัฒนา อําเภอวาปีปทุม จังหวัดมหาสารคาม
Main Article Content
The purposes of this study were to 1) identify the management pattern of a
community enterprise 2) to investigate management problems of a community enterprise
and 3) set a guidance on improving the management of the community enterprise. Five
informants gained by means of purposive sampling agreed to participate in the study. Three
informants were representatives from silk & cotton community enterprise of Ngua Ba
Pattana, Wapeepatum District, Mahasarakam Province and two from two government
agencies who were responsible for community enterprise. In-depth and semi-structured
interview techniques were used as the data collecting tools. The data analysis showed that
the management pattern of the enterprise included 1) marketing management 2) production
management 3) group management and 4) capital management. The interview data
revealed that the group was formed by housewives who put together their founding capital.
The responsibilities were shared among the members. Each member helped in the
production process by ensuring the quality of the textile and of the natural-colour dyeing
process as well as the creation of new pattern of the textile. Regarding the marketing
management, the group advertised and sold the products at exhibitions, fairs, and festivals.
Regarding the management problems, the data gained from the government agencies
revealed that the group faced the problem of group management due to the fact most of
the members were elderly and that the size of the group was small. This resulted in the
inconsistency of the production volume and the seeking of new markets. The guidance for
improving the group management was to establish a network of similar groups and to pass
on the knowledge of producing the textile to younger generation so that they would help
run the group. Younger generations were able to add value to the products and widen the
market by using various means of advertisement.
Article Details
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