แนวทางส่งเสริมการจัดทําบัญชีครัวเรือนแก่นักศึกษา สังกัดสถาบันอาชีวศึกษาภาคกลาง 4

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นิศรา ศรีอุ่นศรี
น้ำทิพย์ พันธ์ละภะ


This survey and action research titled ‘A guidance on Promoting the making of

household account to Vocational college students’ is aimed 1) to identify the state of the

subjects’ household account making 2) to investigate the subjects’ opinions towards the

factors that encourage the making of the household account 3) to establish a guidance on

how to promote the making of the household account among the subjects. The subjects

of the study were 9 government officers whose responsibility was to promote the making

of household account and 400 students from 9 vocational colleges in the central region,

area 4. The 400 subjects were selected using the multi-stage random sampling technique.

Frequency, percentage, SD, and content analysis were employed for the analysis of the


The research findings were as follow:

1. The subjects made their household account by using normal notebooks to

record their incomes and expenses. The length of time since the subjects started making

the account was less than 1 year and they did not update their account regularly; instead

they did it upon their convenience. The accounts included details such as the balance of

the current period, their incomes in total amount, list of expenses. The making of household

account enable the subjects to lower their expenses and to save up. The reasons behind

the making of the account included the desire to know their own and their family’s financial

status. The obstacles that prevented the subjects from making the account was that the

subjects did not have enough time.

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