Can Work Productivity be Achieved?


  • Lie Sian Trisakti School of Management, , Indonesia
  • Ian Nurpatria Suryawan Trisakti School of Management, Indonesia


Compensation, Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Work Productivity


The goal of this research was to investigate and quantify the impact of compensation, work discipline, and work motivation on employee productivity. The object of this research is PT. XYZ in the city of Jakarta in the country of Indonesia. Respondents in this study were 57 employees. Samples were obtained using saturated sampling techniques. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire and likert scale. Testing the hypothesis in this study using multiple linear regression method. The result of hypothesis testing show that compensation and work discipline have no effect on employee work productivity, and work motivation has an effect on employee work productivity.


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How to Cite

Sian, L., & Suryawan, I. N. (2025). Can Work Productivity be Achieved?. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Sustainability (IJIS), 1(1 (January-June), 17–27. retrieved from